Dr. Daniel Totzkay
Health Communication
Mass Communication
Research Interests:
Social influenceCommunication campaign planning, design, and evaluation
Risk communication
Interdisciplinary research collaborations
Dr. Totzkay studies the nature of and reaction to health and risk communication messages. This includes communication to change health and risk behavior, the design and evaluation of health and risk communication interventions, improving healthcare access, and promoting health equity with strategic communication activities. His research has focused on vaccination, cancer control, rural health, and women’s health, but he has broad interests in various prosocial or public interest topics. Overall, Dr. Totzkay's research aims to address how a communicative study of social influence can be better applied to matters of the public interest, as well as how communication theory can be better refined and extended to study social influence and behavior change processes.
Dr. Totzkay is or has been Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator, or Personnel on various projects funded by the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources. His interdisciplinary and collaborative research and outreach has awarded him and his partners the Civilian Service Commendation Medal from the United States Department of the Army and the Immunization Innovation Award from the West Virginia Immunization Network.
B.S., Michigan State UniversityM.A., Michigan State University
Ph.D., Michigan State University