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Dr. Megan Vendemia

Assistant Professor

Curriculum Vitae
Google Scholar

Areas of Study:

Communication Technology
Mediated Communication 

Research Interests:

Body Image
Social Influence

Dr. Vendemia is broadly interested in the social and psychological implications of communication technology and new media. She primarily uses quantitative experimental methods to investigate how individuals perceive features of communication technologies (e.g., social media) and their subsequent psychological effects on users’ self-concepts and well-being (e.g., body image). Specifically, her work has focused on better understanding the cues and strategies people use to detect the authenticity of various forms of user-generated content, including social media imagery, online business reviews, grassroots political campaign messages, and direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertisements. Her findings advance theoretical understanding of the uses and effects of communication technologies and offer practical guidance for promoting healthier, more authentic mediated interactions.


B.S., Youngstown State University 
M.B.A., Bowling Green State University
M.A., The Ohio State University 
Ph.D., The Ohio State University