EXTRA CREDIT RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT [#6]- Behavioral Flexibility and Sexual Communication
Title: Behavioral Flexibility and Sexual CommunicationProtocol Number: 2501098972
PI: Matthew M. Martin
PI E-mail: Matt.Martin@mail.wvu.edu
Co-PI: Bianca S. Candelaria Lopez
CO-PI E-mail: bsc00013@mix.wvu.edu
Purpose of Study (1 sentence):
This research project aims to understand how college students’ psychological flexibility (e.g., how they approach challenges, how they adapt to changing situations) is related to how they think about and communicate with their partners about sex.
To be eligible for participation in this study, you must meet the following inclusion criteria:
Any college student who has engaged in sexual activity in the past six months can participate. Sexual activity refers to any physical or psychological action with another individual that involves sexual arousal, desire, or satisfaction. You must be 18 years of age or older to participate.
Time Commitment: Your participation in this project will take approximately 15 to 30 minutes. Any
Data Collection Location: Qualtrics Survey - Online Only
Data Collection Date & Time:
Participants may access the survey online at: https://wvu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bwHwoerTHLhVUge