Dr. Katie K. Kang
Research Interests:
Anonymous organizational communication
Hidden groups/organizations
Alternative organizing Health-related support groups/organizations
Social media and organizational visibility
Broadly, Dr.
Kang’s research examines how anonymous communication is practiced and
experienced at multiple organizational levels. At the micro level, her work
explores how anonymity is translated into the communication practices from a
sender and a receiver perspective. At the meso level, she focuses on how groups
play a strategic role in shaping how hidden organizations and their members
manage visibility. At the macro level, she looks at the various collective
motivations (both appropriate and inappropriate) and organizing processes of
hidden organizations. To capture anonymous communication at these
multiple-levels, she leverages both qualitative and quantitative methods in her
B.A., Sungshin Women's University (Seoul, Korea)
M.A., California State University, Northridge
Ph.D., Rutgers University